En el meu afany per donar els llibres als altres membres del grup, hi vaig donar el meu. Afortunadament, vaig també trobar el Llibre d'Amic e Amat a la Internet. Aleshores, intentaré indicar on soc, perquè crec que la manera de numerar les metàfores es diferent.
Doncs aquesta setmana en la lectura que podia fer, vaig trobar interessant l'us del “aucell”. Si no estigui equivocat, és l'única animal que apareix dins l'obra. La meva pregunta seria per què? Què representa l'aucell per a Llull? Té que ver amb el rossinyol de la poesia moderna? Us poso les metàforas que ten la paraula "aucell":
16. - Digues, aucell qui cantes: est-te mès en guarda de mon amat per ço que et defena de desamor, e que muntiplic en tu amor?
Respòs l'aucell:
- E qui em fa cantar, mas tan solament lo Senyor d'amor, qui es té a deshonor desamor?
26.Cantaven los aucells l'alba, e despertà's l'amic, qui és l'alba; e los aucells feniren llur cant, e l'amic morí per l'amat en l'alba.
27.Cantava l'aucell en lo verger de l'amat. Venc l'amic, qui dix a l'aucell:
- Si no ens entenem per llenguatge, entenam-nos per amor; cor en lo teu cant se representa a mos ulls mon amat.
4.- Digues, aucell que cantes d'amor al meu amat: Per què em turmenta ab amor, qui m'ha pres a ésser son servidor?
Respòs l'aucell:
- Si no sostenies treballs per amor, ab què amaries ton amat?
10. Ab ulls de pensaments, llanguiments, de sospirs e de plors, esguardava l'amic son amat; e ab ulls de gràcia, justícia, pietat, misericòrdia, liberalitat, l'amat esguardava son amic. E l'aucell cantava lo plaent esguardament damunt dit.
27.Cantava l'aucell en un ram de fulles e de flors, e lo vent menava les fulles e aportava odor de les flors. Demanava l'amic a l'aucell què significava lo moviment de les fulles ni l'odor de les flors. Respòs:
- Les fulles signifiquen en llur moviment, obediència; e l'odor, sufre e malanança.
25.En un ram cantava un aucell, e deia que ell daria un novell pensament a amador que li'n donàs dos. Donar l'aucell lo novell pensament a l'amic, e l'amic donà'n dos a l'aucell, per ço que alleujàs sos turments; e l'amic sentí muntiplicades ses dolors.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Llista de responsables per les entrades
1/21 Todd
1/28 Zach
2/4 Rachel
2/11 Nick
2/18 Cici
2/25 Bill
3-4 ?
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Seeing and Remembering
I know I said last week in our meeting that I'd post something on Mirall Trencat, butI figure that since today we are probably going to talk about Amic e amat that maybe it would be better if I did something related to that.
Anyway, as I was reading this morning from the words of "Raymond" Lull, I came across this passage that struck me as relevant considering current debates in Catalonia:
"18. Qüestió fo enfre los ulls e la memòria de l'amic, cor los ulls deien que mellor cosa és veer l'amat que membrar-lo, e la memòria dix que per lo remembrament puja l'aigua als ulls e el cor s'enflama d'amor."
"18. A dispute occurred between the eyes and the memory of the lover, for the eyes said it was better to see the beloved than to remember him, and the memory said that through remembrance the water rises to the eyes and the heart swells with love. "
I have been thinking a lot recently about the role of memory and narrative in our understanding of the present and our projections of the future. I love the image here of the dispute between the eyes and the memory. Is it truly better just to remember something than to see it? What implications does this line of thought hold for contemporary Catalonia and Iberia in general? Maybe it's something to talk about.
Anyway, as I was reading this morning from the words of "Raymond" Lull, I came across this passage that struck me as relevant considering current debates in Catalonia:
"18. Qüestió fo enfre los ulls e la memòria de l'amic, cor los ulls deien que mellor cosa és veer l'amat que membrar-lo, e la memòria dix que per lo remembrament puja l'aigua als ulls e el cor s'enflama d'amor."
"18. A dispute occurred between the eyes and the memory of the lover, for the eyes said it was better to see the beloved than to remember him, and the memory said that through remembrance the water rises to the eyes and the heart swells with love. "
I have been thinking a lot recently about the role of memory and narrative in our understanding of the present and our projections of the future. I love the image here of the dispute between the eyes and the memory. Is it truly better just to remember something than to see it? What implications does this line of thought hold for contemporary Catalonia and Iberia in general? Maybe it's something to talk about.
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