Mentres sigui una questió des de 1997, acabo d' assabentar-me de la existència del equip i pensava que us seria interessant. Ara, sembla que hi ha altra intenta de jugar un partit oficial amb altres països. Pot l'equip de selecció Catalana ésser la clau de la independència Catalana? Si tenguin èxit de fer un partit oficial, què vol dir de l'equip de selecció de Espanya? Hom pot ser membre dels dos?
While it's been a question in the air since 1997, I've just found out about the team and I though it would be interseting to you, too. Now, it seems that there is another push to play oficial games with other countries. Could the Catalan national team be the key to Catalan idependence? If they are successful in playing an official game, what does that mean for the Spanish selection? Can you be a member of both?
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Welcome to the web page of the Catalan Group at Stanford. I hope that this page is and becomes more useful as we study Catalan literature and culture. We will start Fall term (yes, we got funding). Right now, I think that we will read Mirall trencat for the centenary of Mercè Rodoreda. I don't have any other plans as of yet, so if you have requests let me know.
I think that many of us are planning on going to Catalunya this Summer, so keep us posted. If any of you fellow Stanford grad students want posting rights for this blog, you know who to ask.
I think that many of us are planning on going to Catalunya this Summer, so keep us posted. If any of you fellow Stanford grad students want posting rights for this blog, you know who to ask.
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